Understanding your cosmic journey. Aligning with the Universe’s energies. Charting your path to destiny and purpose.
Your birth chart is the key that opens the door to all the Universe has in store for you.
Astrology is equal parts celestial mapmaking and spiritual timekeeping, with a dash of geometry and a sprinkling of cosmic alchemy. It helped me to understand that my journey isn’t just about me. I was born with a life purpose, and finding my way to fulfilling that purpose was the path that would allow me to contribute to the world in the most positive way. And it started with my birth chart.
Your birth, or natal, chart maps the alignment and placement of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time you were born. It shows the exact landscape of the cosmos that has been influencing you since you took your first breath. It also charts the path you are here to follow, the road to your purpose. Best of all? It’s fascinating and fun!

Current services are listed, but please feel free to reach out to me if there’s something you are interested in that’s not here! I will be adding new services periodically so be sure to check back regularly!
All prices are shown in Cdn $. All readings are by appointment only. To purchase Level 1 – 4 charts please e-transfer funds to tammyunltd@gmail.com and specify purchase details. You will receive a confirmation receipt. To purchase a reading, please book an appointment. Thank you!
Level 1 Package – Astrological Birth Chart that determines placement of signs, planets, asteroids etc. showing who you are at the core, it calculates the astrological aspects and sensitive angles of the magical moment of your birth. $125 + tax
Level 1 Reading (1 hour) – a custom reading about your Level 1 chart. $125 + tax
Level 2 Package – provides a more detailed map including: The aspects between the celestial bodies; Chiron – what is called the wounded healer and represents what you need to heal in this life – once this is healed, this becomes a source of healing for yourself and to other people you may deal with; North Node – do you know your purpose in life?; Part of Fortune – this is a calculated point in your chart that adds another layer to our North Node and what we may be luckiest at in this life; Center of Galaxy – tells us the higher life’s purpose of our North Node and the very thing we want to develop; The Astrological Belt and a Woman’s Chart – Ceres, Juna, Pallas Athena, Vesta – these asteroids add another layer to the complexity of a woman’s life. $125 + tax (prerequisite: Level 1)
Level 2 Reading (1 hour) – a custom reading about your Level 2 chart. $125 + tax (prerequisite: Level 1)
Level 3 Package – provides an advanced chart called the Progressed Chart which provides the developmental path we take in this life and how we can track the sky today and into the future. As the sky continues to move and change every day, so do we. This advanced chart shows us how to navigate the celestial bodies in today’s time and shows the developmental path we are meant to be on. As we mature, so does our journey and this can help us flow through the aspects of the celestial bodies with ease as we continue to understand our higher purpose and realms. $125 + tax (prerequisite: Level 2)
Level 3 Reading – a custom reading about your Level 3 chart. $125 + tax (prerequisite: Level 2)
Level 4 Package – provides a new approach to the stars and sky. This new approach to astrology and spirituality is what we call New Astrology. New Astrology presents another possibility to rise above the born natal chart aspects and predestined tendencies. We as humans have an ability to develop above the planetary level and reach to the stars and beyond. This spiritual development path will show you the cosmic alignments, or doorways, that are opportunities and frequencies to enhance your own life and others. Each of the New Astrology realms will provide 12 levels of development. $125 + tax (prerequisite: Level 3)
Level 4 Reading – a custom reading about your Level 4 chart. $125 + tax (prerequisite: Level 3)
I offer individualized custom coaching sessions for all levels – please see Spiritual Coaching page.
Gift Certificates are available at any denomination. Contact tammyunltd@gmail.com.