Mapping your journey. Meeting your true self. Finding your purpose.
Spiritual exploration is deeply personal, but you don’t have to journey alone.
You contain the entire Universe encoded within you. Tapping into your unlimited potential and exploring your unique life’s purpose can be deeply empowering. Whether you are taking early steps on your spiritual journey or mastering your ascension after years of inner work, a spiritual coach can be a helpful resource and an inspiring ally. I would be honoured to share your journey with you.
New to your spiritual path? A coaching session can be a natural next step after studying your birth chart, the astrological map to your existence.
Have questions about your spiritual journey? Coaching can be a helpful opportunity to ask questions and explore your path forward, in a safe and understanding space.
Ready to elevate further? I would be happy to talk about your journey, support you in tapping your unrealized potential, and clearing the blocks that might be keeping you from stepping into your destined place and role.
Individualized custom coaching sessions – $175/hour + tax. By appointment only (please see Book An Appointment tab on this site).