Throughout time, and across the globe, spiritual seekers have not only existed but have found ways to recognize each other and join together. Healers, guides, mystics, shamans, teachers, and spiritual leaders are each part of a community – a collective – that holds space and possesses tremendous power. As part of this community, we are connected to shared energies, wisdom, teachings, and support that can help each of us to grow spiritually and to develop our unique gifts.

My mission is to inspire others – to find your own path, and to join with the collective. Together, we can help each other. Together, we can bring so much to the world. As we pursue our unique journeys, we can each make a difference. Like dandelion seeds, we can use our gifts to make infinite contributions to the greater good, often without ever knowing where those seeds landed or how they made a difference. We are not here to simply exist, we are here for a purpose. And your individual purpose is part of a larger cosmic alliance that is truly remarkable. I’m here to help you tune into that frequency, feel those energies, and harness the power of the collective in positive ways.
From time to time I organize events and projects that bring our shared community together. To make sure you hear about those opportunities, be sure to follow Tammy Unlimited on social media.
Thank you for being part of the community and bringing your unique gifts to the world. Please know you are never alone on your journey.